AI training model

Scale AI

Trusted provider delivers high-quality training data for AI applications.

Welcome to Scale AI, a leading provider of scalable AI solutions for businesses, government agencies, and individuals. Our website offers a range of products, resources, and services to help you harness the power of AI and drive innovation in your industry.

Our main products include the Scale Data Engine, the Scale GenAI Platform, and Scale Donovan. The Scale Data Engine leverages your enterprise data to help you build the best AI models, while the GenAI Platform safely unlocks the value of AI. Scale Donovan provides AI-powered decision-making support for defense applications.

For government agencies, we offer specialized AI solutions tailored to the needs of defense, federal, and public sector organizations. Our expertise in generative AI, data labeling, and model evaluation makes us a trusted partner for government AI initiatives.

We also provide a wide range of resources and guides to help you navigate the AI landscape. Our blog covers topics such as chatbots, data annotation, and AI applications in various industries. Our AI Readiness Report 2024 offers insights into the current state and future trends of AI adoption.

Our customers include established AI companies like Open AI and Microsoft, as well as industry leaders such as Toyota and Brex. We are proud to have worked with these organizations and delivered high-quality data to fuel their AI initiatives.

To learn more about our products and services, you can book a demo or log in to your account. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in leveraging AI to drive success in your industry.

Whether you are a business looking to improve your AI capabilities, a government agency exploring AI solutions, or an individual interested in the latest AI trends, Scale AI has the tools and expertise to support your needs. Start building AI solutions with Scale today and stay ahead in the AI revolution.
