AI development framework


Free accurate synthetic data up to 100K rows, no coding needed.

MOSTLY AI is a synthetic data platform that generates privacy-safe synthetic versions of real data for various uses, including machine learning, advanced analytics, software testing, and data sharing. The platform allows businesses to democratize access to data, share data externally, and create synthetic test data for software development while ensuring privacy. It generates synthetic data that retains the structure and statistical properties of real data, making it a viable alternative to real data. Synthetic data from MOSTLY AI is more flexible, smarter, and more accessible than real data. The platform uses generative AI models to create fully representative versions of users' data, which can then be manipulated in various ways, such as downsizing large datasets, blowing up small datasets, up-sampling minority classes, or performing data simulations by changing distributions.

MOSTLY AI's platform can be connected to users' cloud data warehouse, data lake, or RDBMS, enabling users to transform data, synthesize it and share it directly from the platform. The platform generates higher privacy and high-utility synthetic data that can be used for BI, AI/ML, collaboration, and much more. The platform provides the MOSTLY AI Python Client that enables users to control synthetic data generation right from their Python environment. MOSTLY AI provides a range of resources, such as podcasts, a blog, a synthetic data dictionary, ebooks, and videos, to help users understand synthetic data generation and how to get started with the platform. Interested businesses can sign up for free or request a demo from the company's sales team.
