AI writing tool


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TextGPT is an innovative platform that allows users to tap into the power of OpenAi's ChatGPT and Dall-E through text messaging. By simply texting a question or prompt, users can receive quick and accurate responses from AI, enabling them to access a wealth of knowledge and generate realistic images with ease.

One of the key advantages of TextGPT is its accessibility and ease of use. Users can seamlessly interact with the AI through text messages, making it a convenient tool for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of various topics or generate images from text descriptions.

The pricing structure for TextGPT is straightforward, with a minimum purchase of $6, which provides users with 120,000 tokens. These tokens can be used to access different services, such as asking questions, generating text responses, or creating images from text prompts. The cost per exchange of text messages and image generation is clearly outlined, ensuring transparency for users.

In addition to its current capabilities, TextGPT has exciting features on the horizon, such as generating images using the Dall-E API, utilizing past conversations for better results, backing up conversations to the cloud, and offering advanced tuning and configuration options. These upcoming features will further enhance the user experience and provide additional functionality.

Overall, TextGPT is a versatile and user-friendly platform that empowers users to explore the capabilities of AI through simple text interactions. Whether you have a burning question to ask or want to unleash your creativity through text-based image generation, TextGPT has you covered. Sign up now to experience the power of AI at your fingertips.
