AI Audio Tools


Convert media into various content formats using AI technology.

Podnotes is a trusted platform used by over 1000 podcasters and content creators to transform their podcasts and videos into various content formats. With its powerful AI technology, Podnotes offers a wide range of functions and features that make content creation easier and more efficient.

The process begins with importing your podcasts or videos into the platform. You can upload files, fetch RSS feeds, use YouTube video links, or paste transcripts to get started. Once imported, Podnotes utilizes AI to transcribe and summarize the content. You can choose your desired output language and style, and Podnotes supports transcribing and summarizing in 19+ languages.

One of the main advantages of Podnotes is its ability to generate a variety of high-quality content assets using AI. Within minutes, you can generate show notes, titles, notes, chapters, social media posts, blog posts, newsletters, and audiograms. These assets can greatly improve the SEO presence of your podcast and help grow your audience across social media channels.

In addition to creating content assets, Podnotes also offers features like transcripts, customizable summaries, well-written show notes, titles, headlines, and chapters. These features provide comprehensive support for podcasters and content creators to enhance their content and engage their audience.

Podnotes also introduces a unique feature called Magic Chat, which utilizes ChatGPT to provide contextual search and Q&A for your podcasts. With Magic Chat, you can quickly navigate your podcasts, produce compelling articles, create captivating social media updates, and engage with your audience more effectively.

Furthermore, Podnotes allows you to add high-quality images, videos, and infographics to your content, reinforcing key points and enhancing visual appeal. It also offers organizing and tagging features, making it easy to manage and share your podcast page.

Podnotes offers different pricing plans, including a free plan that allows you to try the app with 50 minutes of transcription for free. Monthly and yearly plans are available, with increasing minutes per month and unlimited content and audiograms. Whether you are a beginner or a professional podcaster, there is a plan suitable for your needs.

With its comprehensive set of features, ease of use, and AI-powered capabilities, Podnotes is the perfect podcast assistant for content creators. It simplifies the content creation process, saves time, and helps you stay ahead of the competition.

Try Podnotes for free and discover how it can revolutionize your content creation workflow!
