AI Video Tool


AI video platform for marketers, streamline editing, optimize content marketing.

As a professional commentator in the field of AI, Peech AI is a revolutionary platform that empowers media companies with cutting-edge solutions for automated video post-production. By leveraging the power of AI, Peech AI offers a range of features and benefits that streamline the editing process, optimize content marketing, and enhance brand visibility.

With Peech AI, media companies can conveniently organize and categorize large volumes of video footage in no time. The platform allows users to maintain brand consistency by automatically integrating branding elements into their content. Additionally, Peech AI enables users to reach global audiences with real-time transcription and translation in over 20 languages, ensuring that videos are accessible to a diverse range of viewers.

One of the standout features of Peech AI is its text-to-video editor, which allows users to effortlessly edit videos without the need for advanced editing skills. The platform also automatically adjusts videos to various aspect ratios for optimized design across platforms, making it easy to create videos for social media and boost engagement.

Through smart content analysis, transcription and translation, automated custom branding, and a range of other features, Peech AI enables media companies to dramatically reduce post-production time and costs, while maximizing productivity and scalability. Whether you're looking to repurpose existing content, reach new audiences, or streamline your post-production process, Peech AI offers a comprehensive solution that combines automation with human control for optimal results.

In a globalized media landscape where the demand for video content is higher than ever, Peech AI stands out as a game-changer for media companies looking to stay ahead of the curve. With Peech AI, you can supercharge your post-production process, empower your team, impress your audience, and scale without limits. Request a demo today and discover the future of automated video post-production with Peech AI.
