AI office tools

Customizable platform for community-driven businesses with various revenue streams.

Tagļ¼š is a customizable platform that enables community-driven businesses to grow and monetize their audience. With over 99,950 communities and 1M community members created worldwide, offers various features and use cases to cater to the needs of different organizations.

One of the standout features of is the ability to launch challenges and competitions, which is ideal for engaging community members and pushing them to reach new personal bests. The platform also offers a paid membership feature, allowing users to monetize their content or services either through automatic renewals or lifetime access with a single payment. With audience management, users can directly communicate with their audience members via email or WhatsApp, keeping communication lines open and building stronger relationships.

Other features include Courses & Coaching Builder which lets users get paid for their knowledge and time by gating access to courses or selling their time through 1:1 calls, and events management allowing the sale of tickets and attendance tracking. also integrates with WhatsApp, making engaging with and managing WhatsApp communities simpler, with daily AI-generated summaries available.

Moreover, is built for global communities and offers localized payment processing worldwide. It takes rates as low as 0%, and users can sign up for free to get started. The community offers resources, including a free course, free consultation from experts, and live webinars, to empower individuals to build successful online communities.

In conclusion, offers a comprehensive community-building solution that allows organizations to engage with their community members, monetize content, and build stronger relationships while breaking down geographical barriers. With features such as challenges, paid membership, audience management, courses & coaching builder, events management, and analytics, excels at providing the tools necessary for a community-driven business's success.
