AI Audio Tools


Stay informed with AI-powered news summaries in any language.

Welcome to Hearbitz for Business, where we provide AI-powered summarized news in multiple languages to keep you informed and updated on what's happening around the world. With top-notch features like AI-powered summarised news, smooth listening experience, and diverse perspectives through news categories, we aim to deliver personalized news tailored just for you.

Our content is filtered through AI superpowers to provide you with the most relevant information in a concise format, making it easy for you to stay informed on the go. Whether you're interested in politics, technology, sports, entertainment, or more, you can filter news based on your preferences to get the updates you care about.

With Hearbitz for Business, you can listen to news in any language, giving you access to a wide range of content from trusted sources like EuroNews. Our goal is to provide you with a seamless listening experience that keeps you up to date with the latest news and events.

If you're interested in exploring partnership opportunities with us or have any feedback, we'd love to hear from you. Simply fill out the form on our website to connect with our team and let us know your thoughts. Together, we can grow and stay informed with personalized news at your fingertips.

Stay informed with Hearbitz for Business – where AI-powered news summaries in any language are just a click away. Let's team up and stay updated together!
