AI content detection

GPT zero

GPTZero AI detector for various chat platforms detects AI plagiarism.


What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is a leading AI detection tool designed to identify whether a document was written by a large language model like ChatGPT, GPT-4, or other AI models. It specializes in detecting AI-generated text at the sentence, paragraph, and document levels. GPTZero is widely used in education, hiring, publishing, and legal fields, serving over 2.5 million users globally. It also offers features like plagiarism detection, authorship verification, and source finding to ensure content originality and transparency.

Top Features

  • AI Detector: Scans documents for potential AI-generated text.
  • Advanced AI Scan: Provides in-depth analysis of AI probabilities.
  • AI Vocabulary: Identifies commonly used AI-generated words.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Detects content copied from external sources.
  • Authorship Verification: Ensures writing authenticity and transparency.
  • Source Finder: Verifies claims with reliable sources.
  • Integrations: Works with Chrome, Google Docs, Canvas, Moodle, and Zapier.
  • AI Tutor: Offers AI-powered writing feedback to improve writing habits.
  • Writing Reports: Provides detailed insights into the writing process.


  • Free Plan: Basic AI detection with 10,000 words/month and 5 free advanced scans.
  • Essential Plan: $8.33/month (billed annually), 150,000 words/month, AI vocabulary check, Chrome extension, and multi-file upload.
  • Premium Plan: $12.99/month (billed annually), 300,000 words/month, includes all Essential features plus advanced scan, plagiarism checker, and writing feedback.
  • Professional Plan: $24.99/month (billed annually), 500,000 words/month, includes all Premium features, team collaboration, and military-grade security.


What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is an AI detection tool that identifies text generated by AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and others. It is widely used in education, hiring, and publishing to ensure content authenticity.

How do I use GPTZero?
Paste your text or upload a file, and GPTZero will analyze it for AI-generated content. It provides sentence-level highlighting and detailed results.

Does GPTZero only detect ChatGPT?
No, it detects text from various AI models, including GPT-4, LLaMA, Claude, and others.

Why choose GPTZero over other detectors?
GPTZero is highly accurate, independently verified, and fine-tuned for academic and student writing. It also offers advanced features like plagiarism detection and authorship verification.

What are the limitations of GPTZero?
GPTZero’s accuracy improves with more text input. It is primarily trained on English prose and may struggle with heavily modified AI-generated text or procedural content.

How does GPTZero’s source finder work?
It detects claims in text and matches them with reliable sources from academic and online databases, helping users verify or challenge claims.

Is GPTZero’s source finder a fact-checker?
No, it only provides sources that support or contradict claims without endorsing their accuracy.

How do I cite GPTZero in academic work?
Use the provided BibTeX citation format to reference GPTZero in your research.
