AI content detection

GPT Zero

Advanced AI detector for text, detects plagiarism in seconds.


What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is a leading AI detection tool designed to identify whether a document was written by a large language model like ChatGPT, GPT-4, or other AI models. It provides sentence, paragraph, and document-level analysis to detect AI-generated content. GPTZero is widely used in education, hiring, publishing, and legal fields, serving over 2.5 million users globally. It also offers features like plagiarism detection, authorship verification, and source finding to ensure content originality and transparency.

Top Features

  • AI Detector: Scans documents for AI-generated text, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, LLaMa, and more.
  • Advanced AI Scan: Provides in-depth analysis of AI probabilities with high accuracy.
  • AI Vocabulary: Identifies overused AI words to help users develop a unique writing style.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Detects content copied from external sources.
  • Authorship Verification: Ensures writing authenticity with tools like video replay and writing reports.
  • Source Finder: Verifies claims by linking to reliable sources.
  • Integrations: Works with Chrome, Google Docs, Canvas, Moodle, and Zapier for seamless AI detection.
  • AI Tutor: Offers AI-powered writing feedback to improve writing habits.


  • Free Plan: $0/month, includes basic AI detection, 10,000 words/month, and 5 free advanced scans.
  • Essential Plan: $8.33/month, offers 150,000 words/month, AI vocabulary check, Chrome extension, and multi-file upload.
  • Premium Plan: $12.99/month (most popular), includes 300,000 words/month, advanced scan, plagiarism checker, and writing feedback.
  • Professional Plan: $24.99/month, designed for teams, offering 500,000 words/month, military-grade security, and collaboration tools.


  • What is GPTZero?: GPTZero is an AI detection tool that identifies AI-generated text from models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and others.
  • How does it work?: Users can paste text or upload files to receive AI detection results, including sentence-level highlights.
  • Does it only detect ChatGPT?: No, it detects text from various AI models, including GPT-4, LLaMa, and Claude.
  • Why choose GPTZero?: It is the most accurate AI detector, verified by independent sources, and fine-tuned for academic and student writing.
  • Limitations?: Accuracy improves with more text, and it is primarily trained on English prose. It may flag procedural text as AI-generated.
  • For educators: GPTZero recommends proactive strategies to reduce AI misuse, such as creating AI-resistant assignments and using writing reports.
  • API usage: GPTZero’s API provides document classification, probabilities, and sentence-level AI detection without storing user data.
  • Source Finder: A beta feature that detects claims in text and links to reliable sources for verification.
