AI development framework

Google AI

Google AI aims universal accessibility for impactful improvement in lives.

Tagļ¼š is a website that offers a variety of AI models, tools, and platforms to support innovation and growth while promoting social good. The website is built on the foundational approach of responsible AI practices and guided by AI principles to create a safer, more inclusive, and beneficial society. The website offers multiple features and focuses areas, such as science AI to accelerate scientific discovery, health AI for human-centered healthcare, and quantum AI for building a useful quantum computer. The website also highlights featured research that aims to improve skin tone evaluation in machine learning while upholding AI principles. Furthermore, offers the Gemini ecosystem that supports an entire ecosystem from products to the APIs and platforms that help developers and businesses innovate. Additionally, the website brings AI to its platforms such as Google AI on Android, which helps users be more creative, get more done, and stay safe with powerful protection. Google AI is committed to improving the lives of as many people as possible while building and deploying responsible AI products and platforms. Lastly, the website offers opportunities for developers to solve complex challenges and innovative solutions with AI by offering building blocks, tools, and resources such as Google Cloud Vertex AI. Overall, aims universal accessibility for impactful improvement in lives.
