AI writing tool


AI tool corrects grammar errors across apps efficiently and automatically.

Fixkey is an AI-powered tool designed to help users improve their writing skills in macOS. The software offers several features that make it stand out in the market, including its ability to detect and correct grammar errors across multiple applications.

One of the key advantages of Fixkey is that it can highlight text in any app on macOS. This means users can improve their writing across multiple platforms quickly and easily. The software also features a quick-fix grammar function that automatically selects and improves the current sentence with just one shortcut. Users can also translate languages in milliseconds, as Fixkey can autoselect the sentence and translate it with AI.

Fixkey's features have received rave reviews from some of the top names in the tech industry. The software has been praised for its ability to allow users to brainstorm ideas quickly and without fear of errors. Additionally, Fixkey understands over 200 languages using LLMs and boasts a prompt editor to allow users to customize prompts for their various use cases. Integrating custom shortcuts, Fixkey works seamlessly across all macOS apps, and their models take less than 200ms to respond.

Fixkey is natively written for macOS and is lightweight, making it easy to use and a top pick for productivity. Users trust its ability to provide smarter and more accurate content each time, and it's a favorite among power users.

In comparison to other AI-powered writing tools on the market, Fixkey stands out for its ability to work seamlessly in multiple applications and its intuitive One Shortcut feature that can select and suggest corrections to a sentence. The software has an extensive list of supported languages and a prompt editor that allows for customization.

To take advantage of Fixkey's powerful writing tools, users can download a free trial from their website. The company is based in Berlin and has received accolades from some of the top names in the tech industry. Try Fixkey today and improve your writing, anywhere on macOS!
