AI writing tool


Manage content creation and analysis efficiently with AI-powered tools.

Creasquare is an all-in-one platform that helps users generate captivating social media content with AI-powered tools. It offers a range of features to create and schedule content, including an AI content writer, creative studio, scheduling, calendar, and analytics (soon).

The platform provides integrations with major social media channels such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok, allowing users to easily share their content across different platforms. It also includes a pricing plan and resources such as success stories, a help center, affiliates, an about us page, and a blog.

The AI content writer feature provides dozens of templates in any language, tone, and creativity level. It creates SEO-driven content which is 100% authentic and saves all results as projects that can quickly be reused. The creative studio lets users create and manage assets directly from Creasquare. Users can choose from thousands of templates, animations, royalty-free photos, videos, and music to create images and videos. The AI content writer and creative studio features can help users to efficiently create and manage content creation.

The scheduling feature allows users to schedule their publications in batches everywhere with just a few clicks, and when the time comes, they’ll be automatically published to all chosen platforms. The content calendar helps users to plan and organize their content efficiently and can visualize upcoming posts before publication.

Overall, Creasquare is a highly efficient tool that saves time and delivers positive results. Users can sign up for a free trial with no credit card required, change plans at any time, and cancel anytime. The platform is available in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, and Dutch.
