AI content detection

Contify News API

Real-time intelligence on competitors, customers, prospects, and industries.

Contify Insights is a powerful AI-enabled Market and Competitive Intelligence Platform designed to help businesses track information on competitors, customers, prospects, and industries. The platform offers a range of functions and solutions to streamline the intelligence gathering process and drive actionable insights.

By function, Contify Insights helps users in Strategy by allowing them to spend less time searching and more time analyzing data. It also enables Market Research by delivering insights in a personalized platform. For Marketing teams, Contify Insights helps monitor competitors across their digital footprint, while Sales teams can target new accounts, upsell, cross-sell, and re-engage dormant clients.

For different industries, Contify Insights is highly beneficial. From Life Sciences to BFSI, IT/ITes to Pharmaceuticals, the platform offers timely and accurate insights to stay competitive in the ever-changing business landscape.

In addition to these functions, Contify Insights provides a range of resources including blogs, case studies, webinars, templates, events, reports, videocasts, datasheets, and API documentation to help users make informed decisions. The platform also offers a timeline of its evolution and highlights key milestones in its development.

With offices in Vermont, Gurgaon, and Buckinghamshire, Contify Insights is a global resource for businesses looking to harness the power of AI for competitive advantage. Whether you are looking for a comprehensive Market and Competitive Intelligence Platform or a News API to power your applications, Contify Insights has the solutions to meet your intelligence needs. Sign up for a free trial today and start tracking your competition with actionable insights from Contify Insights.
