AI Video Tool

AI Clips

AI tool converts long videos into short engaging clips for social media.

Are you looking to effortlessly repurpose your videos for maximum impact on social media? Look no further! Our AI-powered video tool is here to transform your lengthy videos into engaging, bite-sized clips perfect for platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok Shorts, and YouTube. With features like automatic speaker detection, unique subtitles, and customizable styles, your repurposed content will be clear, engaging, and accessible to a global audience.

By uploading your video or providing a link from platforms like YouTube or Google Drive, our tool analyzes key moments, speaker changes, and potential viral content to generate short clips tailored for different platforms. You can customize subtitles, add personal branding, and download clips in various resolutions for editing in our Simplified Video Editor. By saving you significant time compared to traditional editing methods, our AI tool allows you to focus on other creative aspects of content creation.

With support for multiple languages and a virality score to prioritize your best content, our tool is a game-changer for marketers, creators, and anyone looking to unlock the full potential of their video content. Join over 2 million satisfied users who have rated our tool 4.9/5 stars for its simplicity, efficiency, and professional-quality results. Experience the future of video creation and storytelling with our AI-powered video tool today!
