AI programming tools

Visual Studio IntelliCode

AI-assisted development for enhanced developer productivity.

Welcome to Microsoft Visual Studio, where AI meets development to take your coding skills to the next level. With Visual Studio IntelliCode, you can now benefit from AI assistance directly within your development environment.

Visual Studio IntelliCode offers a range of features to help you code more efficiently and accurately. From whole-line autocompletions to intelligent suggestions based on thousands of open-source contributions on GitHub, IntelliCode ensures that you have the best recommendations at your fingertips.

One of the standout features of IntelliCode is its ability to detect repetition in your code and offer suggestions for cleaning it up. Whether it's through repeated edits or quick actions like generating constructors, IntelliCode streamlines your coding process and saves you time.

Currently available for C# in Visual Studio 2022 and Python in Visual Studio Code, IntelliCode is constantly evolving to support more languages and provide even more capabilities. By becoming an Insider, you can be the first to try out new features and help shape the future of IntelliCode.

Visual Studio IntelliCode is designed to enhance developer productivity and make coding a more enjoyable and efficient experience. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, IntelliCode can help you code with confidence and efficiency. Try it now and experience the power of AI-assisted development with Visual Studio IntelliCode.
