AI Video Tool


AI technology creates motion design in seconds from spoken words.

Typpo is a groundbreaking website that allows users to effortlessly create engaging videos in seconds using their own voice. With its advanced AI technology, Typpo transforms spoken words into visually stunning animations, making it easy for anyone to share their ideas with the world. Whether you lack design skills or simply don't have time to type, Typpo has got you covered.

The main functions of Typpo are:

1. Download: Users can easily download the Typpo app and start creating videos by speaking into their phones. The app is user-friendly and requires no design skills to get started.

2. Record your voice: Typpo allows users to simply speak their ideas out loud, and the AI technology will convert their voice into captivating videos. This eliminates the need for typing, saving users valuable time.

3. Render a video: Once users have spoken their ideas, Typpo quickly renders a video with visually stunning animations. The process is fast, allowing users to create and share videos within seconds.

One of the main advantages of Typpo is that it is the first design tool powered by voice. Its AI technology eliminates the need for design skills, making it accessible to everyone. Additionally, Typpo is known for being the fastest motion design tool ever built, allowing users to create videos quickly and efficiently.

Typpo is not only a tool for individuals but also a valuable asset for brands. Instead of paying for ads that people ignore, Typpo empowers brands to have their audience generate endless branded messages for free. This allows brands to connect with their audience on a more personal level and create a genuine conversation.

Typpo is a product of BeatPitch Inc., a Science portfolio company based in Santa Monica, CA. If you are interested in learning more about Typpo or want to explore its potential for your brand, you can contact the company through their website.

In summary, Typpo is an AI-powered website that allows users to create captivating videos by simply speaking into their phones. It eliminates the need for design skills and typing, making it accessible to everyone. Typpo is not only beneficial for individuals but also for brands looking to connect with their audience in a more authentic way.
