AI writing tool

Talk To Books

Innovative tool to explore ideas and discover books through search.

_feedback_ is an innovative AI tool that allows users to browse book passages using experimental AI technology. This unique platform, launched in 2018, provides users with a new way to interact with books and explore a vast collection of literary works. Through the use of neural language models, users can engage in conversations with books, expanding their knowledge and discovering new insights in a way never before imagined.

One of the key advantages of _feedback_ is its effectiveness in semantic matching and retrieval, demonstrating the power of language models in driving features in various products and services. By utilizing this AI technology, users can not only access valuable information from books but also enhance their overall experience with language processing tools.

The main features of _feedback_ include the ability to search through a diverse range of book passages, ask questions, and explore various topics of interest. From reminiscing about past memories to delving into complex scientific concepts, users have the opportunity to engage with books in a dynamic and interactive manner.

Usage scenarios for _feedback_ are vast and varied, making it a valuable resource for researchers, students, book lovers, and anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of different subjects. Whether you are looking for inspiration, conducting research, or simply exploring new ideas, _feedback_ provides a unique platform to discover books and engage with them in a meaningful way.

In summary, _feedback_ offers users a groundbreaking AI experience that revolutionizes the way we interact with books and access information. With its advanced language models and user-friendly interface, this platform opens up new possibilities for learning, exploration, and discovery in the world of literature.
