AI dialogue chat

Rep AI

AI chatbot boosts conversions, sales, supports tasks for eCommerce stores.

REP AI is an AI-powered chatbot that is designed to help eCommerce merchants convert more traffic into sales and handle support requests more efficiently. By utilizing behavioral AI magic, REP can sense when shoppers become disengaged and proactively approach them, leading to potential tripled conversions. The chatbot can accurately predict drop-offs and outperforms standard exit-intent pop-ups by four times.

One of the key features of REP AI is its branded AI Concierge, which can assist and guide shoppers every step of the way. The Concierge is knowledgeable about the store's catalog, products, and website, and can redirect shoppers to product pages, guide them through checkout, and even compare products. Additionally, users can train the AI to speak in their unique brand voice and personality, making the interactions more personalized.

REP AI also offers AI-generated sales capabilities, allowing the chatbot to navigate to product pages and checkout seamlessly within the chat. By collecting email subscribers and offering discounts in exchange for email addresses, merchants can increase their average order value with AI product recommendations.

With REP AI, eCommerce merchants can benefit from increased conversions, improved customer engagement, and enhanced support interactions. The chatbot has received positive feedback from top merchants, with some reporting significant increases in revenue and conversion rates. Additionally, REP AI is easy to integrate with existing Shopify apps and offers a dashboard with AI-generated insights to track key metrics.

Overall, REP AI is a game-changer for eCommerce businesses looking to elevate their sales, customer support, and overall shopping experience. With its innovative features and proven results, REP AI is a valuable tool for merchants looking to stay ahead in the competitive eCommerce landscape.
