AI writing tool


AI-powered WordPress plugin for autoblogging and affiliate marketing platform.

Tagļ¼š is an innovative, AI-powered WordPress plugin for autoblogging and affiliate marketing platform. It is a one-stop solution for creating WooCommerce-based Amazon affiliate websites and unique WordPress AI auto-blogs. With RankPress, users can import Amazon product ASIN IDs and create a unique product page for each ASIN, scrape product images, weight, size, descriptions, and price, and automate category creation. RankPress works with all 20 different Amazon Global Marketplaces and supports importing products from any foreign marketplace. It can also paraphrase and summarize product descriptions with OpenAI and translate with any of the supported translation APIs.

For WordPress auto-blogs, RankPress scrapes Google search result snippets and PAA questions and answers to create unique content. It offers complete flexibility on output blog post structure, such as adding related YouTube videos, Google Images, and using any input keywords/language supported by translation APIs. RankPress-generated Blog Titles, tags, and categories are based on blog post context, and it can create auto blogs in 110+ supported languages.

RankPress offers endless possibilities in the template and task manager settings, ensuring that each user can put a unique twist to their blog creation process. Users can customize all API-supported OpenAI prompt and model settings and use supported template variables such as {snippet}, {youtube_video}, {paa_question}, {paa_answer}, {image}, {title}, {description}, {categories}, {features}, {brand}, {weight}, {dimensions}, {overview}, {asin}, {extra_info}, {product_url}, {openai_description}, {paa}, and more.

RankPress is constantly working on platform improvements and future updates. It plans to integrate additional API integrations, such as for post and featured images, SEO optimized images, and automated image compression and renaming based on 'input keywords', watermarking. It is also working on Google and Youtube Autocomplete results scraping function, spell-checking integration, and fine-tuned OpenAI models support.

RankPress is an excellent tool that enables users to create unique affiliate marketing websites and unique WordPress AI auto-blogs. Its use cases include creating niche product review websites, Amazon affiliate marketing websites, and content creation for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. With early access pricing, users can take advantage of the latest updates and stay ahead of the competition.
