AI writing tool


AI question generator creating shareable quizzes from text quickly.

Welcome to our website, the original AI question generator! Our platform utilizes AI technology to help you create and share quizzes, tests, and exams effortlessly. Here's a brief summary of our main functions, advantages, features, and usage scenarios:

1. Quizzes and Flashcards: Our AI-powered system can automatically transform your existing content, such as PDFs, DOCs, and PPTs, into quizzes and flashcards. You can generate multiple choice, true or false, short answer essay, matching, and fill-in-the-blank style questions.

2. Spaced Repetition: Optimize your learning by using our spaced repetition feature. It intelligently repeats the concepts you struggle with the most, helping you turn your weaknesses into strengths. Our algorithm is based on proven cognitive science, enabling you to learn twice as fast.

3. Personalized Feedback: Our AI acts as your personal tutor by grading short answer and essay questions, providing accurate scores and helpful
