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Accurate financial data standardization and enrichment API for global use.

The website offers an accurate financial data standardization and enrichment API that can be used globally. It provides various functions and advantages to users in the field of finance. The main features and usage scenarios of the website are as follows:

1. Language Models for Finance:
- The website trains Language Models (LLMs) to understand financial data on a large scale.
- It can handle any format, data source, and geography, making it versatile and adaptable to different scenarios.

2. Business Underwriting:
- The website enables profitable underwriting of small and medium-sized businesses.
- It can instantly recreate profit and loss (P&L) statements and cash flow statements from bank data.

3. Consumer Underwriting:
- The website offers consumer underwriting capabilities, although no specific details are provided in the summary.

4. FinOps & Accounting:
- The website provides functionality related to Financial Operations (FinOps) and Accounting, but further information is not mentioned.

5. Payments and Digital Banking:
- The website offers solutions related to payments and digital banking, although specific details are not provided.

6. Data Enrichment:
- The website allows users to enrich their financial data with accurate merchant information.
- It offers consistent categorization of consumer or business financial data.
- Users can verify their customers' income in seconds.
- The website empowers users to take control of their recurring expenses.

The website emphasizes its ability to leverage the power of large-scale and performant models in users' products. It highlights that its models can handle various geographies, languages, and use cases without limitations. The website aims to provide a horizontal infrastructure layer for financial data, regardless of its type or origin.

The website also offers a Python SDK and REST API for easy integration and quick implementation. Users can start using the services without any prior setups or data formatting requirements.

The website mentions that it is supported by various companies and provides additional resources such as Medium articles, GitHub repositories, and developer documentation.

Finally, the website invites users to join hundreds of companies that have already benefited from using the platform and offers the option to start building or book a demo to learn more about its capabilities.

Overall, the website offers a comprehensive and versatile financial data standardization and enrichment API that can be used globally, with a focus on accuracy, speed, and adaptability to various use cases.
