AI writing tool

Mini Course Generator

Create and deliver mini-courses easily with AI Course Creator.

Welcome to our website, where you can create and deliver interactive mini-courses quickly and easily using our AI Course Creator. Whether you're an educator, training provider, HR manager, or product owner, our platform offers a range of functions and features to meet your needs.

With our AI Course Creator, you can turn your content into bite-sized, engaging mini-courses without the complexities of traditional course builders. Our no-brainer card structure makes it simple to organize and structure your courses.

One of the advantages of our platform is the AI-Assistant, which can help you with course creation. If you ever get stuck with your content, the AI-Assistant can complete the texts and generate images for you, keeping the momentum going.

Customization is key, and our platform offers a range of options. You can customize the layout and themes to match your branding needs. Additionally, you can add custom domains, create subdomains, and even launch a landing page instantly.

When it comes to delivering your courses, we offer several options. You can embed the mini-courses on webpages, share them with customizable links, export them to SCORM packages or PDF, or even provide in-app education.

Access to your courses can be customized as well. You can choose to allow everyone to access the content, enable access after double opt-in, require payment for access, or provide access to specific learners. We even offer in-app authentication and password walls for added exclusivity.

Our platform is trusted by over 5,000 professional training providers and offers a range of use cases, including enriching training, monetization, automating onboarding, in-app education, and lead generation.

So why choose us over alternatives? Our platform offers a seamless and user-friendly experience with no learning curve. We provide comprehensive mini-courses with AI-generated images and quizzes, as well as extensive customization capabilities.

Join thousands of people who are doing more with less time by getting started with our platform today. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] for any inquiries.
