AI writing tool

Memorable Ad Maker

Transitioning from AdMaker to Creative Copilot for improved creativity.

The website is powered by Cookiebot, a tool that uses cookies to enhance user experience, provide personalized content and ads, and analyze website traffic. The website features a consent selection section that allows users to choose whether to allow necessary, preference, statistics, or marketing cookies. Necessary cookies are required for the website's basic function, while preferences cookies enable the website to remember specific user information like region and language. Statistic cookies gather anonymous information about user traffic and behavior, while marketing cookies track users across websites to display advertising relevant to their interests.

The website promotes Memorable, an AI-based tool for pretesting and optimizing creative assets for impact and branding. The tool features a high-accuracy creative pretest for performance and branding and creative analytics to understand which creative elements drive impact on each channel. Memorable's creative strategy service enables users to see what works for them and their competitors. The website also emphasizes Memorable's superiority over other pretest solutions, using real behavior data instead of self-reported data and providing results in seconds instead of days or weeks. Memorable's AI approach learns from the impact of every creative to predict the impact of every new asset and provide improvement recommendations. The website highlights clients' testimonials of their positive experiences with Memorable, including faster and more efficient decision-making, better optimization of assets, and lower testing costs. The website also announces a transition from AdMaker to Creative Copilot, a tool that learns which creative elements help or hurt a brand, and optimizes every creative along the way. Users can request access to Memorable's pretesting and optimizing services through the website.
