AI programming tools

Lightning AI

AI development platform: Code, prototype, train, scale, serve, browser-based, no setup.

Lightning AI's Studio is a browser-based AI development platform that allows users to code, prototype, train, scale, and serve AI web apps with zero setup. The platform is designed to eliminate the environment discrepancy between local code and cloud-based code, allowing for trivial multi-node, scalable AI web apps, endpoints, and more. With a canvas for every project, Studio seamlessly integrates ML tools, eliminating context switching between tools, increasing productivity, and reducing the time it takes to iterate, debug and train AI models.

Studio requires no environment set up with Python, PyTorch, CUDA, and everything already pre-installed. Users can customize the Studio environment depending on desired preferences, dependencies, and data. Studio remembers all dependencies, files, and data and offers options to switch from CPU to GPU for faster processing with zero environment changes. Users can alternatively connect their local IDE without changing their current workflow.

Studio allows for code together and multiplayer collaboration. The platform seamlessly integrates with Github, enabling users to easily keep track of their code and work with others. Studio has infinite storage, and users can upload, share files and connect S3 buckets. The platform enables users to share links to any web app, such as Tensorboard, Streamlit, Gradio, and more. Its SQL database also allows users to manage large datasets with ease.

The platform is built for breathtaking scale, with no abstractions or decorators, offering full control, finetuning 100 models in parallel, training foundation models on thousands of GPUs, preparing data across hundreds of machines in parallel, and deploying thousands of models. Users can write custom Studio workflows with Software Development Kit (SDK) to easily automate complex workflows.

Studio offers zero-setup templates to deploy, finetune, and pretrain models. It allows users to start from production templates, go beyond demos, and upskill through practical guides written by AI experts. Studio offers a pay-as-you-go plan, with one free active Studio and 22 monthly GPU hours. Users can pay only for what they use and upgrade to unlock features like multi-node training, serverless, and more. Users can also use their cloud credits from AWS accounts, simplifying payments.

Overall, Studio is a powerful, simple, and zero-setup browser-based AI development platform that enables users to code together, prototype, train, scale, serve AI web apps, endpoints, and more. Its features are designed to increase productivity, reduce time, and enable users to scale AI models effortlessly.
