AI writing tool


Maximize upvotes by A/B testing Product Hunt launch.

IndieZebra is a powerful tool designed to help you maximize engagement and conversions for your Product Hunt launch. With A/B testing capabilities, IndieZebra allows you to test different variations of your launch page and objectively evaluate their performance.

The process is simple and efficient. First, you enter your product name and description. Then, IndieZebra creates variations of your tagline to test. You can iterate and test different versions to see which one performs the best. With a detailed breakdown of the results, you'll gain valuable insights into what truly engages your audience and compels them to take action.

By utilizing A/B testing, you eliminate the guesswork and gut feelings associated with launching a product. Instead, you can confidently choose the best performing copy to present to your audience, increasing your chances of success. IndieZebra helps you stand out from the competition and access your maximum potential.

IndieZebra offers two pricing options. The 7-Day Pass is available for just $9, providing you with unlimited access to A/B testing for a week. This pass includes unlimited products, variations, and A/B tests, as well as features like a product description and founder's note. Alternatively, you can opt for the Lifetime Pass for $29, which grants you lifetime access to all the features and benefits.

By securing your seat now, you can take advantage of the early bird offer and get IndieZebra at a discounted price. During the launch week, you can enjoy a 50% discount on either pass option.

IndieZebra was built by a maker with a notable track record, having received the prestigious "Product of the Day" badge four times. With IndieZebra, you can confidently launch your product on Product Hunt, reach your maximum potential, and make data-driven decisions to ensure success.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to maximize upvotes for your Product Hunt launch. Secure your seat now and start A/B testing with IndieZebra.
