AI writing tool


Automated email writing, data upload for customized responses for +1,000 teams.

Hypertype is an AI-powered tool that revolutionizes the way businesses handle customer communications. By analyzing millions of data points, Hypertype can draft personalized responses to emails and support tickets, saving valuable time for knowledge-heavy companies.

With features like syncing information from various sources and enabling one-click replies, Hypertype ensures that customer service teams can focus on more strategic tasks. The tool has been proven to increase Customer Success Manager productivity by 3X, allowing teams to provide better attention to each customer.

Trusted by over 2,000 businesses, Hypertype has helped companies like Otovo and Mynt streamline their customer care processes and improve their response quality. Users have reported significant time savings and increased revenue due to the efficiency of Hypertype's automated email writing capabilities.

The tool is enterprise-ready and prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring that all information stays within the company. With a commitment to GDPR compliance and data encryption, Hypertype provides a safe and reliable solution for businesses looking to enhance their customer support operations.

Overall, Hypertype empowers support teams to send smarter emails and grow faster by leveraging automated knowledge networks and data-driven replies. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with existing platforms, Hypertype is poised to transform the way businesses interact with their customers.
