AI content detection
GPT Detector
Detect AI-generated content with Writefull's ChatGPT Detector.
Tagļ¼AI content detectionDetect AI-generated content with Writefull's ChatGPT Detector.
Tagļ¼AI content detectionIs the GPT Detector free?
Yes, it is free with a daily usage limit.
What percentage indicates AI plagiarism?
There is no absolute threshold, but a higher percentage suggests a greater likelihood of AI generation.
Does it detect GPT-4.5 or GPT-5?
Not yet, but updates will be made once these models are released.
Can I use ChatGPT for academic writing?
Using AI to write entire academic texts is considered plagiarism, but proofreading or editing with AI tools is acceptable.
Are there other AI tools from Writefull?
Yes, Writefull offers tools like Writefull for Word and Overleaf for proofreading and improving text quality.