AI writing tool


Develop targeted messaging for effective marketing communications and design integration.

GETitOUT is an AI-powered marketing platform that provides a wide range of tools to help marketing agencies, consultants, and in-house teams improve their marketing efforts. The platform offers various features to simplify and streamline marketing strategies, including marketing briefing tools, analysis tools, text tools, and material generators.

One of the standout features of the platform is its persona generator tool. This tool enables users to extract personas from competitors, generate professional texts, and paste them into all websites, emails, and marketing tools automatically. With this feature, marketers can onboard clients faster and analyze their competition, market, and product better.

The platform also provides tools for buyer persona generation, competitor analysis, and client analysis. These tools help users to find and understand their ideal clients, analyze their competition, and create landing pages and emails that convert visitors to paying customers.

Additionally, GETitOUT has a text generator tool that enables users to communicate value, convert visitors, and create a variety of templates for texts. It also has material generators that help users generate marketing materials in minutes.

Further, GETitOUT has a marketing coach tool that provides users with weekly coaching sessions, actionable videos, and learning resources to help users build their marketing from the ground up and get it right.

Overall, GETitOUT is an all-in-one marketing platform that enables organizations to generate better-targeted messaging for more effective marketing communications and design integration. With its various tools, marketing agencies, consultants, and in-house teams can develop clear and concise marketing strategies that attract and convert their clients and customers.
