AI design tools

Color Wheel

Speedily access AI-generated color schemes for inspiration.

Welcome to AI Color Wheel, the ultimate tool for designers and artists! Our website utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to automatically colorize logos, illustrations, wireframes, and other graphical art.

With AI Color Wheel, you can upload your design to quickly generate color palettes. Simply design your logo or illustration in grayscale and ensure that your design is flat (with less than 10 indexed colors in Photoshop). Then, you can tweak the wheels for analogous, complementary, and other color schemes to see instant color palette inspiration.

Our website saves uploaded designs in your browser, and registration is not required. You can see your design recolorized in the style of classical and modern art movements, such as Andy Warhol, NES Games, Soviet Realism, and Dribbble.

For developers, we offer an API that is free for non-commercial use. You can also check it out on Github. The API includes colorgraph.quantize, colorgraph.get_connectivity_matrix, and colorgraph.colorize functions that allow you to quantize images, get connectivity matrices, and colorize images and canvases.

If you want to stay updated on the latest design tools, you can subscribe to our website. We will notify you when we add another design tool to our deep learning toolbox.

In addition to AI Color Wheel, we also offer other free tools for color, font, and logo design. If you need product support or have other inquiries, you can contact us on our website.

Try Brandmark for free today and see how our AI-generated color schemes can inspire your creativity!
