AI office tools


Efficient time tracking tool with automated AI technology for workweeks.

Clockk is an AI-powered time tracking tool that allows professionals to easily and accurately track their time spent on client projects. With Clockk, users can say goodbye to manual timers and time sheets, as the AI technology automatically keeps track of their work in the background.

One of the main advantages of Clockk is its ability to help professionals bill accurately. Instead of guesstimating the time spent on different tasks, Clockk ensures that users feel confident in their billing by accurately capturing the time they lost track of when switching between projects or forgetting to start the timer. This feature can increase profitability by ensuring that professionals are not under or over-billing their clients.

Clockk also allows users to work the way they want to. Traditional start and stop timers do not capture the reality of a professional's day, as they often jump from task to task and project to project. With Clockk, professionals can stay fully present in their work while still accurately tracking their time.

In addition to efficient time tracking, Clockk also provides valuable insights for professionals to plan their business growth. By knowing exactly how much time it took to complete past projects, professionals can use this data to build more profitable proposals for predictable business growth.

Clockk prioritizes user privacy and control. Users have full control over who sees their tracked time, and Clockk is not an employee monitoring platform. Additionally, Clockk integrates seamlessly with popular tech products, allowing users to easily tag and share data across their current tech stack without disruption.

The testimonials from satisfied users highlight the effectiveness of Clockk in accurately tracking time and improving billing accuracy. Professionals in various fields, including accountants, agencies, consultants, freelancers, lawyers, and more, can benefit from Clockk's automated time tracking and AI technology.

Overall, Clockk offers professionals an efficient and reliable solution for time tracking, helping them save time, increase profitability, and make more accurate business decisions. Users can start using Clockk for free and gain a better understanding of where their time goes during the workweek.
