AI writing tool


AI model time-saving tool used by millions, trusted by top brands.

AIPRM is a prompt management tool and community-driven prompt library designed to complete tasks for marketing, sales, operations, productivity, and customer support in minutes rather than hours. With AIPRM's easy-to-use interface, users can access a vast repository of over 4000 expertly crafted prompts, each heavily used, reviewed, and approved by the AI community. The AI model time-saving tool is now used by over 2 million users and some of the world's biggest brands.

One of the main features of AIPRM is its ability to generate prompts for ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, and DALL-E 3. Users can install AIPRM for ChatGPT for free and access more than 4,500 custom prompts. Additionally, AIPRM Cockpit, which is coming soon, will let users use the power of AIPRM with secure AI APIs and many different LLMs.

AIPRM's custom GPT integration allows users to browse all custom GPTs and manage prompts for each one. Another feature is the ability to create private prompts for users and their team, making it easy to access and reuse.

The website also includes resources such as the AI Glossary, AI statistics, AI laws around the world, and AI guides for small businesses. Users can learn about AI's ripple effects and get a sober look at the competition.

AIPRM is available in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Deutsch and offers solo and team plans at affordable rates. Some of AIPRM's most prominent customers include Pro Success Training, JUNI Zodiaque Shop, and Standard Private Label.

AIPRM updates are available for those interested in AI, ChatGPT, and AIPRM tips and insights, as well as exclusive offers. Users can sign up to receive updates and unsubscribe at any time.
